Adding Payments


Payments can be taken on Trade Trak by entering them manually, or by linking your Stripe account to allow for automatic credit card transactions. You can manually record payments via credit card, EFTPOS, cash, cheque and bank transfer.

Accessing Invoices

You can add payments to any invoices created on Trade Trak.

To record a payment, go to the 'Invoices' module which can be found in your navigation bar at the top of the app under the 'Finance' menu. From here, select the invoice you wish to add a payment to.

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You can also access invoices by selecting ‘Invoices’ from the navigation bar on the left-hand side of any job.

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Accessing Payments

To find payments, click the ‘...’ button to the right of the invoice number. From the drop-down menu, select ‘Add a payment’.

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Add a Payment

When you select ‘add a payment’, Trade Trak will give you two options.

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1) Charge a Credit Card

By selecting this option, you can process credit cards directly through Trade Trak.
The app will ask for the amount you would like to charge the card for, automatically calculate the credit card surcharge, and ask for the card number, card type (MasterCard, Visa, Amex), expiration date and CVC number.

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2) Record a Manual Payment

Here you can record payments that have already been received.
Trade Trak will ask for the amount you wish to enter, the date it was received on and the payment method (credit card, EFTPOS, cash, cheque, bank transfer). You can also add a receipt number or notes to the payment for your own records.

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Partial Payments

On Trade Trak, you can add partial payments. This is useful if you have jobs where you get paid in instalments.
To add a partial payment, you simply enter in the amount manually and Trade Trak takes care of the rest. The invoice will show the total amount, the amount already paid, and the remaining balance.

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