Sharing on Trade Trak

Sharing on Trade Trak

Almost all aspects on Trade Trak are shareable including notes, quotes, invoices, files/attachments, reports and SWMS plus more.

1) Finding the Share Dialog

On Trade Trak, our ‘Share’ icon looks like this:

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Often you may see this symbol next to or underneath an item you want to share.
For example, on the ‘Notes’ page of a job.

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However, sometimes the share function may be hidden under a ‘...’ button (signalling that there are more options available).
For example, on the ‘Quotes’ page.

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2) Regular Sharing Options

When you click the share icon, you are given multiple sharing options.

Select or Add Email

Here you can choose to share via email. You can either select from a list of workers on the job, or you can use the text entry box to type an email address that is external to the job. This might be useful for sending to clients.

Remember to press ‘Share’ to ensure email recipients receive the item.

Share With Future Linked Company

This option is only available for items that subcontractors would not automatically have access to otherwise (e.g. notes, files).
You can select whether or not you would like any subcontractor that is added to the job in the future to have access to the item.


You can add a personalised message to be sent with the item when you share it.

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3) Advanced Sharing Options

There are also a couple of advanced sharing options available to you by clicking ‘Show advanced options’.

Link Sharing

By pressing the ‘Generate the link’ button, Trade Trak supplies you with a URL which can be shared with anyone outside of the job. With this, they will be granted permission to view the item but will not have access to anything else on the app.

Share History

This shows a list of the people the item has previously been shared with, as well as the date and time it was shared.
By clicking the ‘x’ next to an email address in the share history, you can revoke the rights of that person from accessing the item again. To revoke a share, you must click ‘Save’ for it to take effect.

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