Create a Task

Create A Task

Tasks can be used on Trade Trak to help break up the workload of larger jobs.

Accessing Tasks

Tasks can be accessed in two ways.

1) Tasks Module

You can access the Tasks module from the navigation bar at the top of the page.
Here you will be able to see all tasks previously created, with the assigned user, notes, and due date.

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2) Jobs Module

You can access the Jobs module from the navigation bar at the top of the page.
Once in the module, select the job you would like to view, edit or create a task for.
From the left-hand side navigation bar in the job, click on ‘Tasks’. You will be able to see all tasks that have been created for that job, as well as who they were assigned to, notes and due dates.

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Create A Task

Whether in the Jobs or Tasks module, the button to create a task is in the same spot and the creation process is the same.
In the top right-hand corner, you will see a ’Create Task’ button, click this.
Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.

1) Task *

Enter a description of the task that is needed.

2) Notes

Add any notes that are related or could be useful for this task.

3) Due Date

Select from the calendar view if you would like to set a due date for the task.

4) Due Time

Enter in a time that you would like the task to be completed by.

5) Assign To


  • User (Select from the drop-down menu to the right)
  • Team
  • Company

6) Task Details

Select from a drop-down menu which job you would like to assign the task to.

Note: If you have created a task from the Jobs module, this will auto-fill.

Press ’Save’ to create your task. Assigned users will be notified that they have been added to a task.

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