Formatting CSV Files for Product Import

Formatting CSV Files for Product Import

Please note:
We are in the process of updating our help guides. In the past few months, there have been many upgrades to the app, so we apologise if the instructions do not match your use. If you are having trouble location or using a feature, please use the in-app chat feature to get in touch with the Trade Trak development team.

On Trade Trak you’re able to import your suppliers product lists from CSV files. However, although not all fields are required, the data that you do wish to appear on Trade Trak needs to be formatted in a certain way within your file in order for it to import correctly.

If too many items of your import have errors, the CSV file will be rejected.

Correctly Formatting Files

The first line of your files should be used to create headings for your columns. These should be the only headings in the file, otherwise the app will recognise it as data to be imported.
You may find it easier renaming your headings on your CSV file to match the fields on Trade Trak, although it is not a requirement.
Additionally, there should be no breaks between lines. All data should be sequential.

Below are the data fields that Trade Trak will accept information for.

Note: Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.

Name *

This is what you will use to search for the product. Some suppliers may use the description as the product Name.

There are no special requirements for this field.

Name 2

Some suppliers may have two fields for names of products. If you add data to this field, it will be combined with the first Name and separated by a space.


The product or item number.

All of your items need to have an SKU. If your product list does not, create a new column titled SKU.
On the first row, enter 1000
On the second row, enter =A2+1
Then drag down to the end of your products and your SKUs will be generated.


This is the description of your product. This field is often also used in place of the product’s Name.

Description Extra 1 & Description Extra 2

There are two additional fields for descriptions about the product, should you need it.

My Price *

This is the price that you pay the supplier and will be factored into your profitability in the finance summary of your jobs.

Prices should only include numbers and a decimal point (if necessary). Do not add any letters or special characters, including dollar signs, or the file will not import.


This is the price that the customer will pay you and will be factored into your profitability in the finance summary of your jobs.

Prices should only include numbers and a decimal point (if necessary). Do not add any letters or special characters, including dollar signs, or the file will not import.


This is the unit of measurement for each product.
Note: If the app does not recognise the one entered as a standard UOM it will default to EA.

Category Name

The category name can be used to help filtering and finding products down the track.

Example Product List:

Product List

If you have followed the above steps and you are still experiencing trouble uploading a CSV file, please get in touch with our support team by using the chat feature.

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